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Contrary to conventional wisdom, violent episodes involving cults are rare historically. But their potential to affect and disrupt civic life looms large and efforts to manage these incidents involve controversial issues of religious freedom, politics, state intervention, and public security. The interpretive challenge of this book is to provide a social scientific explanation for these rare events. The authors conclude that they usually involve some combination of internal and external dynamics through which a new religious movement and society become polarized. Cults List of False Religions - False Teachings Cults List of False Religions & False Teachings: What is a Cult? Summed-Up Info on Many of the Cults & False Teachings in our World Today Religion in ancient Rome - Wikipedia Religion in ancient Rome encompasses the ancestral ethnic religion of the city of Rome that the Romans used to define themselves as a people as well as the adopted Religion News Blog Religion and cult news articles of note: Colonia Dignidad Warren Jeffs heresy Plus other highlights from Religion News Blogs Twitter feed Definition of terms: cults sects denominations Definitions of terms: Cults Sects and Denominations Quotations: "if you believe in it it is a religion or perhaps 'the' religion; and if you do not care one way Index of Cults and Religions Watchman Fellowship Inc Index of Cults and Religions By the Staff of Watchman Fellowship Inc Introduction This Index contains brief definitions descriptions or cross references on over Cults 101: Checklist of Cult Characteristics - csjorg Characteristics Associated with Cultic Groups - Revised Janja Lalich PhD & Michael D Langone PhD Concerted efforts at influence and control lie at the core of Cults: Dangerous Devotion - Top Documentary Films The dark and dangerous world of cults has long been a source of both fascination and fear What attracts followers to cults and more importantly what makes them stay? "Cults:" from benign groups to homicidal sects Essays from the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance cover cults NRMs the counter-cult movement and attitudes toward minority religions How to Avoid Cults That May Try to Convert You: 10 Steps How to Avoid Cults That May Try to Convert You There are many cults out there that may be dangerous mind-controlling and possibly violent But this article will Cult - Wikipedia Sociologist Max Weber (18641920) found that cults based on charismatic leadership often follow the routinization of charisma The concept of a "cult" as a
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