Download Ebook An APMP Primer APMBOK 6 Edition

You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. Download Ebook An APMP Primer APMBOK 6 Edition, this is a great books that I think.

Note that Apm have renamed the exam Pmq (Project Management Qualification) but the syllabus is unchanged. This edition of the Apmp Primer aligns with the latest exam syllabus based on Apmbok 6. The book has been written at a level of detail required to pass the Apmp/Pmq exam. It can be used for independent study or to supplement a training course or simply read as a basic project management textbook. The author has drawn upon his considerable experience not just as a Project Manager, and Manager of Project Managers, but as someone who has delivered scores of training courses and written courses for several commercial course providers. Passing the exam requires not just familiarity with the subject matter but also an awareness of the most efficient exam technique. To this end the book is written without frills in a style compatible with the way questions should be answered. It includes over 40 examples of exam type questions, all with fully worked answers plus a further 80 typical questions without answers.
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