[Download PDF.4nSt] The Jesuits The History and Legacy of the Catholic Church Society of Jesus

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The Middle Ages remains one of the most defining eras of human civilization. It is an era characterized by illustrious monarchs, valiant knights in shining armor, and magnificent Gothic architecture. It is also an era characterized by fervent friction, brutish barbarism, frequent famines, pestilent plagues, and of course, death. Some say the mortality rate in medieval times was like no other; with about a third of all children dying before the age of five, it was nearly miraculous for one to live past their 40s. As a result, medieval people spent their entire lives preparing for the inevitability of death and the afterlife, hoping to one day make their way into the kingdom of heaven. The Catholic Church did little to alleviate the fear of hell, a common theme in the sermons delivered by stern priests across Europe. The only surefire way into heaven, they preached, was for one to pledge their undying love and support to God, with extra points available for the sums and contributions one was willing to gift to the church. Of all of the important Catholic men and women who have been venerated over the last 2,000 years, one of the faith's most popular and influential men also lived one of the most unique lives. Like Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) found God about as far away from church as possible; it was during military service that he underwent a remarkable conversion. A Spanish knight who hailed from a noble Basque family, Ignatius seemed destined for military glory until he was badly wounded in 1521 during the Battle of Pamplona. While convalescing, Ignatius began reading De Vita Christi by Ludolph of Saxony, after which he began a tireless career in service of the Catholic Church. After spending several years studying the faith, Ignatius formed the Society of Jesus in 1539, and as its Superior General, he sent followers as missionaries across Europe to create schools, colleges, and seminaries. On September 27, 1540, Pope Paul issued a Papal Bull recognizing the church's newest religious order not as the Company of Jesus but as the Society of Jesus. The one thing that is clear is that neither Pope Paul, nor Ignatius, ever intended for members of the order to be known as the Jesuits. This term was initially given to them by their critics and was a derogatory term applied to those who spent too much time, in the opinion of those coining the phrase, speaking of Jesus in their conversations. It was only years later that the term became a popular and acceptable nickname for the Society of Jesus, and the Jesuits remain active across the world nearly 500 years later. CHURCH HISTORY - What Every Catholic Should Know 20th CENTURY ATROCITIES OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH If you think the Catholic Inquisition was a thing of the far distant past think again Most people are shocked Miraculous Medal - Encyclopedia Volume - Catholic Online The devotion commonly known as that of the Miraculous Medal owes its origin to Zoe Labore a member of the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul known in '95 Theses' - rap music video - YouTube If you havin Church problems then dont blame God son I got ninety-five theses but the Pope aint one VERSE 1 Listen up all my people its a story for the History of the Catholic Church - Wikipedia Catholic tradition holds that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ The New Testament records Jesus' activities and teaching his appointment of the twelve The Secret Jesuit Oath of Induction - remnantofgodorg since jesuit pope francis came to office there has been a vatican campaign online declaring the jesuit oath listed here to be a America Magazine The Jesuit Review Weekly Catholic magazine published by the Jesuits Current book reviews access to articles published more than one year ago Full text access to current issue Catholic Church and the Age of Discovery - Wikipedia The Catholic Church during the Age of Discovery inaugurated a major effort to spread Christianity in the New World and to convert the Native Americans and other Mystery Babylon The Great - 02 - bibliotecapleyadesnet PART II MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT CATHOLIC OR JEWISH? CRYPTO-JEWRY If Judaizers played a major role in the formation and establishment of the Roman Catholic Catholic Churchs view of the Cathar Church Cistercians Cistercian Abbeys and Abbots of Cteaux The Order of Cistercians (Latin Cistercienses) is an "enclosed" Roman Catholic order of monks HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY - Jesus Christ HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY The following is a capsule summary of the top 25 events in the History of Christianity events which shaped the Church itself
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