Download Ebook Odd Nerdrum Kitsch More than Art

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Kitsch is Odd Nerdrum's luxuriously produced apologia for the enduring relevance of the old master style. Containing writings and interviews by and with Nerdrum alongside hefty plate sections of both Nerdrum's own paintings and those by painters he sees as exemplars of a certain kind of figurative art, it is a bold attack on the foundations of modernism. In Nerdrum's view, what we call kitsch art is a consequence of modernism's make it new ethic. For Nerdrum, this insistence on novelty has permeated the thinking of institutions, critics, artists and the public, and has effectively suppressed what Nerdrum most values in a work of art: sentimentality, passion, pathos and the self-evident skill and emotion of sheer craft. By this latter value in particular, the kitsch painter is able to work according to knowable standards that painting prior to modernism has established--standards that are more than art, for, as Nerdrum puts it, the kitsch painter commits himself to the eternal: love, death and the sunrise. Kitsch is a manifesto that recruits figurative painters both old and new, such as William Dyce, Paul Fenniak, Sampo Kaikkonen, Isaac Levitan, Osiris Rain, Ilya Repin, Giovanni Segantini, Valentin Serov, George Tooker, George Frederick Watts and Anders Zorn, and situates their work alongside more than 70 of Nerdrum's recent paintings. Alongside essays, poems and plays by the artist, Kitsch contains an extended dialogue on the topic between Nerdrum and Maria Kreyn. News - Galleri Brandstrup Pioneer of performance art Marina Abramovi is one of the most acclaimed remarkable and influential contemporary artists in the world today Famous Alumni By Names - Welcome to The International List Extracts from linked Wikipedia articles contained in Profile column are released under CC-BY-SA license - creativecommonsorg/licenses/by-sa/30 Kitsch - Wikipedia Kitsch (/ k t /; loanword from German also called cheesiness and tackiness) is art objects or design considered to be in poor taste because of excessive Norway - Wikipedia Location of the Kingdom of Norway (dark green) in Europe (dark grey) Location of the Kingdom of Norway and its integral overseas areas and dependencies: Svalbard
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