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There are few subjects relating to the Christian life concerning which there is so little exact knowledge as that of the Authority of the Believer. This is not because such authority is the property only of a few elect souls. On the contrary, it is the possession of every true child of God. It is one of the "all things received in Christ." Its reception dates from the soul's contact with Calvary. John MacMillan was a Canadian Presbyterian businessman who became involved with ministry to Chinese and Jewish people in Toronto. Ordained at the age of 49, MacMillan and his wife traveled to China as missionaries with The Christian and Missionary Alliance. He later became field director of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in the Philippines. The Believer's Authority - Ekklesia Chapter 1 1 The Prayers of Paul The authority of the believer is unveiled more fully in the Book of Ephesians than any other epistle written to the churches Kenneth E Hagin The Believer's Authority 03 Reigning with Kenneth E Hagin The Believer's Authority 03 Reigning with Our Authority 110288 20141003 The Prayer of Faith and the Authority of the GROWING IN PRAYER PART 1 MIKE BICKLE Session 4 The Prayer of Faith and the Authority of the Believer Page 4 International House of Prayer of Kansas City The Authority You Have in Christ - Kenneth Copeland Ministries One of the benefits of being a believer is that Jesus Christ shares His authority with you Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth and now its available to you! The Authority of The Believer - K Neill Foster Articles The Believer's Authority Authority might be called "the powerless power" because the one exercising it has no power in himself The power of authority also varies Does a believer have authority over Satan? - GotQuestionsorg Question: "Does a believer have authority over Satan?" Answer: The believers authority over Satan and victory over the spiritual forces of evil depend on the power Kenneth E Hagin The Believer's Authority 01 The Believer's This feature is not available right now Please try again later The Believer's Authority in Christ Believers in Jesus Christ have incredible miracle authority in the spiritual and earthly realms Understanding Your Authority as a Believer Page 1 of 9 Understanding your authority as a believer- Every Nation London Bible School Understanding Your Authority as a Believer Objectives of this course Believer's Authority - Andrew Wommack Ministries Andrew Wommack Ministries' teaching article on Believer's Authority
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